Our Story
We’re a hive of nerds who can take care of all your business’s marketing needs. We know how important local business is to our community and thus our primary goal is and always will be to help you.
In order to do so, we specialize in understanding and enticing your target audience in a wide variety of ways.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from living in such a hive, it’s that doing anything alone is quite difficult, let alone running a business. And that in order to be successful one must work together with others that have different skill sets.
Here’s the real problem; the traditional means of reaching potential clients are rapidly becoming less effective and it’s an incredibly daunting task to navigate all the ins and outs of social media today.
Big businesses can afford to directly employ Big agencies, who’s sole focus is digital marketing yet smaller business don’t have the resources nor time to learn the ropes, let alone divert such effort that could be allocated in their clients.
That’s why I created Beeanerd.
That’s why we are here. To offer you services that you don’t specialize in, but we do. We guarantee that you’ll like the results in working with us; after all our fates are intertwined, just as bees we believe in cooperation and view our business as your business. The results are just as important to us as they are to you, that’s how bees work, that’s the hive mind.
We focus on helping local businesses flourish and also contribute to local programs, education and the general well being of all members of society.
And to prove this we have included a freebee, from one bee to another,
Yours truly,
B (Really this is how they call me)